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Results for Clear
Awaiting image
- Author
- 7083 - M/L 29 a-e
- Title
- Castro's Cuba Stamp Collection.
- Published
- The Mystic Stamp Co., New York, 2002
- Ref
- 8035
- Author
- 7104- M/L 77
- Title
- American Bicentennial Era World-Wide Commemorative Stamp Album.
- Published
- Herrick Stamp Co. , New York, 1976.
- Ref
- 8019
- Author
- 7029 - M/L 49
- Title
- St. Lucia Stamp Album 1979 - 1985.
- Published
- Unknown.
- Ref
- 8016
- Author
- 7049 - M/L 24
- Title
- The Heritage Collection of US State Stamps and Quarters.
- Published
- Mystic Stamp Company, NY
- Ref
- 8014
- Author
- LINATI, Claudo.
- Title
- Costumes et Moeurs de Mexique.
- Published
- Brussels: Lithographie Royale de Jobard, [1828].
- Ref
- 5802
- Author
- HUMBOLDT, (Alexandre de).
- Title
- Vues des cordillieres et monument des peuples indignes de l'Amerique.
- Published
- Paris: F. Schoell, 1813.
- Ref
- 5722
- Author
- Title
- Picturesque Views of the Diamond Rock taken on the spot and dedicated to Sir Samuel Hood...Charibbee
- Published
- London: published for the author by J.C. Stadler, 1805.
- Ref
- 5686
- Author
- KENDALL, George Wilkins.
- Title
- The War between the United States and Mexico Illustrated, Embracing Pictorial Drawings of all the Pr
- Published
- New York & Philadelphia: D & G Appleton, 1851.
- Ref
- 5685
- Author
- BENTLEY, Charles.
- Title
- Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana...
- Published
- London: Ackermann & Co., 1841.
- Ref
- 5665
- Author
- BOUGAINVILLE, Louis Yves Philippe Potentien, Baron de.
- Title
- Album pittoresque de la fregate la Thetis et de la corvette l'Esperance...
- Published
- Paris: Bulla, 1828.
- Ref
- 5658
- Author
- DUPAIX, Capt. Guillaume.
- Title
- Antiquities Mexicaines relation des trois expeditions du Colonel Dupaix, ordonnees en 1805, 1806 et
- Published
- Paris: Imprime de Jules Didot l'Aine, Bureau des Antiquities, 1834-36.
- Ref
- 5655
- Author
- CASTRO, Casimiro (art).
- Title
- Album del Ferro-Carril Mexicano...
- Published
- Mexico: Victor Debray & Co., 1877.
- Ref
- 5626